Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Rock'n the Run and Swim! Swear P90X is the Source! Broke Personal Bests AGAIN!

Honestly can't believe how amazing the training has gone.  I look at my times and scratch my head as I've broken my running course record again (on Sunday, specs below...24:39).  This was on Sunday.  I shaved off another 50 seconds.  LOVE IT!  Specs below, you might say that's nothing spectacular for a 3 mile course, but I'm having to conquer 4 steep hills over the course of the run. 

Perry has created a track with MotionX-GPS on the iPhone
Date:Mar 14, 2010 12:11 pm
Distance:3.03 miles
Elapsed Time:24:39.4
Avg. Speed:7.4 mph
Max. Speed:11.2 mph
Avg. Pace:08' 08" per mile
Map link expires:Apr 13, 2010 2:26 PM PDT

And this morning I cranked out a 2 mile swim and pushed for speed on two of the half miles.  1/4 mile was at 7:29 and then 7:19, 1/2 mile was at 15:15 and then 14:40.  Average laps for the 1/2 mile at 15:15 and 14:40 are 51 and 49 second laps.  Prior to today's swim, my lap pool personal best for the 1/2 mile was 15:30 and that was right before a race where I had been swimming quite a bit.  CRAZY!!

I'm day 47 into P90X and I swear this is the source for me breaking these records.  My core feels so incredibly strong, and P90X is the only thing I can attribute this too.  I should be swimming, running and biking at least 3x/week and I've been averaging at the most 2x/week for each, so P90X is helping w/ the training beyond belief. If I weren't doing this program, I am certain I would not be breaking these records.  And the really cool thing is that my body is shedding the fat (was at 21% at start of P90X on Jan 29, 2010...goal is 10% for Day 90, Apr 28th) and doing a pretty cool transformation.  I had a really nice gut going on Day 1....post Holiday as well as many years of just something I couldn't shed off. SORRY to go off on this...it just amazes me though.

If you want more specs on the program, shoot me an email and I'll give you more specs on how I'm implementing P90X w/ the Escape from Alcatraz Triathlon training. It's important to coordinate your tri training w/ the very specific P90X days as you don't want to hurt the P90X 'muscle confusion' which is trademark for the program. My email is sjogren@gmail.com  

For those of you doing the race, I hope the training is going well for you. Share your stories w/ me if you like.  45 DAYS AND WE'LL BE JUMPING OFF THAT BOAT NEXT TO THAT ISLAND CALLED ALCATRAZ. WOOOHOOO!!!


Jenn said...

Quick question....are you following the P90X exactly? Did you buy the entire package or just the tapes? I am on the fence, I can't decide if I should buy this. But sounds like you are getting great results. Any feedback would be great! Thanks!


Perry Sjogren said...

Hi Jenn, I am following P90X to the absolute T. Day 48 and I've made every workout. So that's why it's important to adjust your tri workouts to the P90X schedule, to get optimal results. "Muscle confusion" is part of the magic w/ P90X and you really need to stick w/ the schedule to make this happen. A bit tricky w/ tri training in that you want to make sure you are putting in your hard training days on the appropriate P90X days. It's really worked slick for me, just a bet of planning. Email me at sjogren@gmail.com or visit www.beachbodycoach.com/allswede for more info. If you decide to do it, sign up through my web page an I'll be your coach and can totally help you out. I'll also help you w/ ordering as you want to make sure you're getting on important supplement post workout. Cheers, Perry

Perry Sjogren said...

Sorry Jenn, didn't address all of your questions. i bought the entire package (P90X DVD's, chin-up bar, recovery drink, push up bars and bands). There's a package via my link that bundles these. And there's a money back guarantee if you're not happy w/ the program, so you can't lose. Insanity is supposed to be great. I'll try that after P90X. As far as results, if you go to my profile link, I think there is a Day 1 pic and a Day 36 pic...to show the progress. Cheers, Perry