Monday, May 10, 2010

Some pics of 2010 Escape from Alcatraz Triathlon

I still have yet to write a summary of my great experience with the race but I want to be able to sit with no distractions when I'm doing it.  In the interim, here are some great snaps that I pulled from a couple of online sites.  I do not take credits for any of the snaps.  Thanks to the great photographers who snapped these!


Josh Roberts & Ramsey Conyers said...

Hi Perry,

Well done on your awesome race - a PB!! Next year??

You were right - that was one awesome race, breathtaking views, great support - just epic!

All the best & happy racing!

Perry Sjogren said...

Thanks Josh. You guys did awesome as well. I'm sure I'll be trying to get into this race next year as well. If you decide to do it again, drop me a line and lets meet up for a beer before or after race.

Cheers, Perry