I think today I hit my best pool swim time ever. 25 min, 18 seconds....whoohoooo!!!
Now, must get crank'n on the bike. Biking is my week link. I think if I lived along PCF in Southern California, it would be a little bit easier to get on the bike and head out for a ride. 52 degrees, rain and wind just don't do it for me.
I'll be doing my first plunge into lake this weekend.
The run is progressing pretty good. I did a 14 mile on Friday......kicked my butt, but everything felt great.
Did a yoga class last night....the body was needing a good stretch.
That's the past week in a nutshell. Stay tuned.......32 days and counting.
So excited to be doing this race w/ friends this year. They're all doing great w/ their training too. Steve had his first tri ever over the weekend and was a rock star! Marc is ripp'n it up in Idaho....people here him go by but they don't see him because he's so fast. Chris has already had multiple swims in Lake Washington and did his first mile swim over the weekend. And James, he's Ironman so he can doesn't need to train until the week before. Great job dudes!
When I first heard about the Escape from Alcatraz Triathlon, I thought the swim portion was absolutely insane and anyone who swam it was nuts. It's funny how things can change. One of my biggest fears in life is now one of my most incredible joys. This race (especially the swim) is truly the funnest, yet most challenging triathlon's, I've ever competed in. Below is my journal on the incredible experience. This year's race is on Sunday, June 10th, 2012.
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