Tuesday, February 16, 2010

25:53....a new personal best for my Beacon Hill running loop!! Core Training is Paying Off!

I honestly can't believe it!!  Today I did my neighborhood running loop (Beacon Hill, which is about 1 mile from downtown Seattle) for the first time since last Fall and I beat my personal best of 27 minutes, 3 seconds by 1 minute and 10 seconds.  Holy smokes....first course run of the season and it's my best ever.  I now know that core conditioning in addition to the regular tri training is key.  I'm on Day 19 of a core workout program that has been doing some amazing things.  It's hard work and I had a constant sore for the first seven days of it, but it's that good sore feeling.  So with that being said....I'm totally stoked!!

If any of you want the specs on the program, shoot me an email to sjogren@gmail.com and I'll send you the specs and answer any questions you might have.

Hope everyone else's training is going awesome too.  


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