We would purchase a ‘U.S. Coast Guard Marine Event Permit” that allows us to cross that channel during the designated time and then hire a kayak sherpa to follow us. I honestly can’t imagine that one……but it would be the perfect solution to calm my nerves a bit between May 11th and June 8th, as I would then have already experienced the true swim. Just trying to think swimming w/ 2,000 people on race day (seems a bit chaotic) or 4 people….which one is less scary. They both seem pretty darn scary to me.
A shot them a note this morning w/ a few more questions:
1) Is the sherpa a lifeguard?
2) Does the sherpa have arm floaties for us (if needed)?
3) Is the kayak a two seater, so I can hop in if freak out?
4) Will the cruise ships and barges be able to see us coming across?
Lets see what they say…...
Found this clip...give's a good feel of what it's like to jump off the boat into the water at Alcatraz.
Latest Training: Swam last night w/ my swim group for an hour and 15 minutes....lost track of the laps but guessing it was around 2,500 yards. Felt great. If knee feels better today, hoping to do a 9-10 mile run today or tomorrow.
I wouldn't do it....sound dangerous and would make me poop my pants.
I'd say 'hell' to the "no" on that one.
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