I guess I should be talking about my training, but I’m too amused and entertained with all the Alcatraz photos and video clips out there on the www and would rather post those. Sooo with that said, I found this snap over the weekend which gave me a nice little adrenaline burst (even if it’s not real…..or maybe it is……kind of recall hearing about a shark and a helicopter last year). Swimming in the same pool as sharks FREAKS ME OUT…. even if they rarely swim in SFO Bay. And up until recently (guess I’ve heard it so many times) I cringe every time someone says ‘you’re going to be swimming with the Sharks’. And now it’s the whole “don’t be surprised if a 2 ton sea lion comes from under and gives you a big bump, they just think your wet suit is a female sea lion that they’d like to mate.’ Now that wouldn’t freak me out in the least bit…..not at all. POOP! :)
Training today is a run in a bit and hoping to do around 9 miles.
I’m starting to hear from peeps that I need to be thinking of jumping in the Puget Sound or Lake Washington to get a feel for the cold and open water. Not to be a Negative Nancy, but that doesn’t sound too enjoyable.
Stay tuned for that first jump in the water. Maybe I can borrow a buddies video camera so can witness the LOUD 'shreak' at first plunge.
Yeah....I heard about that incident too. That's actually from the Alcatraz race last year. Hahaha....just kidding....definitely a photoshop job.
Did you want to be an excellent pilot when you were a child? To fly in the sky is always our dreams. Now that the dream may not come true, why not buy a RC helicopter to enjoy the real life? I will introduce one RC airplane to you on madeinchina. So thecheap PS is multitalented, but it doesn't do any one thing quite as well as dedicated devices do. It's still, first and foremost, a game machine. Its game library continues to grow, and while it doesn't have as many diverse a selection as the Nintendo DS, its AAA titles look spectacular.
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