I kind of have a feeling that he's thinking he'll be perched at Fisherman's Wharf with one of those yummy clam chowder bread bowls in one hand and a Starbuck's honey latte in the other, watching the race go by and then doing touristy things during the interim.
Now I'm thinking...man.....maybe I can leverage him a bit and have him:
1) get up with me at 4am for moral support
2) assist at the start before the boat departs (not sure what he can assist w/...guess more moral support)
3) assist at the shore once I make it in from the swim (to give me a GU)
4) assist at all of the transitions to give me a quick shoulder massage
5) and then at the finish line w/ my bike case.
Just kidding dad, I'll make sure I don't work you too hard.
Monday's Training:
I went to the gym at lunch and worked on chest and triceps and then in the evening I went to what I call 'sweaty, smelly yoga'. There were way too many people in the 7 o'clock class, so after 106 degrees for an hour and a half and being packed like sardines, the room was quite fragrant afterwards. I'll be writing more about this yoga class in the next few weeks to share some of my 'class experiences' since I started doing this in early February.
Picture is of pops and my niece Annie having fun at Christmas.
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