Thursday, March 6, 2008

The Joys of Sweaty, Smelly Yoga

If the heat doesn't kill you, then the postures surely will and if neither of those do it, then the sweaty, smelly person next to you certainly will certainly do it. Kidding! all seriousness, I absolutely love Bikram yoga. As part of my training, I added this to the mix in early February making a vow to do it once a week and have stuck with it so far. With the combination of 106 degrees and intense stretches for 90 minutes, I'm typically not the happiest while I'm doing it but I swear it's equivelant to a post marathon high for the next 24 hours afterwards. There are occasions where I'll feel terrible afterwards, but I've been told that's toxin build-ups leaving the body. It also supresses my appetite a bit, which isn't a bad handles be gone!

Prior to me doing yoga, I always had visions of a really quiet room, deep in a stretch, meditating and then all of a sudden a person rips one. I guess that vision comes from a couple comedies that I've seen. Well....believe it or all but one of my classes so far, it's happened!!! I can't help but laugh (trying really hard to keep it to myself) while everyone else is serious joe and acts as if they didn't hear a thing. How can you not laugh? bhhurrrpppppppppp

Anyhow, I wanted to share my great experience so far with smelly, sweaty yoga. So for the Seattleites reading this, who are a bit curious, the Sweat Box is where I go and the place is great. The instructor’s are excellent and do not embarrass you if you’re terrible at it and are still learning the positions. They have two locations (Capital Hill and Shoreline) and have a super intro special of unlimited visits for your first week at $20.

I couldn't resist...had to search the tube.....this is hilarious.

Oh training: I did a mile swim yesterday and a bit of weights. Knee is still hurting but I'm thinking positive.


Anonymous said...

Nice yoga rip!!

Anonymous said...

She couldn't do a 'hit and run' on that one since she's instructing. hahaha.