Tuesday, April 20, 2010

First Lake Swim (Bhhrrrr) and Another Personal Best in the 1/4 Mile Swim

Yesterday I had my first swim in Lake Washington and as expected, it was sooooooooooo cold.  My lips were numb for the entire swim.  I was thinking the temp was probably around the typical 44 degrees for this time of year, but just checked online and it is 51, so now I'm a tad bit freaked, as Alcatraz will probably be around 52-54 degrees.  This just means I need to start cold showering it, sleeping w/ the windows open and a few more lake swims to acclimate to the temp.  This is something I maybe should have started doing a month ago considering the race is in a week and half.

Pics at bottom of this post are of Walter pre swim and me post swim w/ purple lips. Isn't Walt styl'n in the googles?

And here's the GREAT NEWS, on Sunday I broke my personal best on the 1/4 mile swim.....again.  About two weeks ago I broke it w/ 6:52 and on Sunday I shaved off 12 seconds bringing it down to 6:40.  Thank you to P90X again.....seriously.....no other explanation as I am not swimming any more than usual.  I've actually been swimming less and P90X is making up for it AND more.  I've also been getting emails from people inquiring on the specifics of how I've been implementing P90X w/ a tri training program.  It's been a combo of people, some already tri training wanting to get stronger core and would like to implement P90X and then there are some who have just ordered or are currently doing P90X and would also like to do a triathlon this summer and are curious to know how to combine the two.  Send an email to me and I'll share the goods w/ you.  Sjogren@gmail.com.  I'm also a coach now for P90X (still learning the ropes), but you can check out my page, as well as the programs and products through this link.

For those of you doing the race, good luck w/ the rest of your training, stay injury free and we'll see you in 11 days at Alcatraz on the side of that boat.

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